Wow - I actually have a new blog home. It seems so weird! :-)
Well, I must say that life has given me some blessings and some lemons and I'm trying to make lemonade with the lemons and praise God for both. Life in my little corner of the world has been . . . . let's just sum it up with a little bit of craziness - most of it brought on myself.
Eric and I have been really working on our marriage after some rather large bumps in the road but, you know, God has a way of restoring what normally couldn't or can't be restored. We have been taking a little bit of a break - for two weeks now, Eric has been staying with his mom and Jake and I have been at our house. It has been extremely hard and frustrating but ya know, there has been some blessings behind the clouds. I have realized that I am worth it, worthy to be treated well, and so is Eric.
Eric and I went and saw the movie, Fireproof and WOW! I encourage each and every one that I come in contact with, young or old, married or single to GO SEE THAT MOVIE! It really hit some good points that I needed to be reminded of. Isn't it funny how God works!?! It's hysterical sometimes! - Eric and I are working on things and that movie spelled out so much of what I was feeling, and what he was feeling. . . it was amazing.
So - I have decided to do the Love Dare. I will be purchasing the book today and I'm going to do the Love Dare on Eric (go see the movie, Fireproof to understand.)
**drum roll please**
Eric and I have also been blessed and found out that - we are pregnant! Can you believe it?? I have always wanted my kids to be like my sister, Sarah and I. (Sarah and I are 12 mths apart and we have always been there for one another - I was probably a little too protective and sometimes expected too much. . . but we have loved one another and taken care of one another since we can remember) Sarah is one of my best friends. I don't always like what she has to say but she always tells me the truth!! - So that's how Jake and this baby will be. . .about 12 to 13 mths apart. (Lord help me!!) :-) AND - My sister Sarah is pregnant too!!! We will be having our babies just a few weeks apart!! Talk about close!!
Well, I really ought to get to work but I thought I would go ahead and make my first post. I hope that you all have a blessed day and love one another.
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