Sunday, October 17, 2010

Trust Journey - Day 1

Hi there. . . okay.  I must tell you there have been some major stuff going on in my life but God is doing some awesome growing and stretching to Eric and I.  I am believing in God, in complete faith that He is building our family on HIS foundation.  It has definately not been easy.   Turning away from sinful nature never is, but finally confessing and starting a new has been one of the most difficult things that I have done, HOWEVER, God is faithful and loving and full of GRACE!! (and it's been freedom)  He has met me on my knees (actually on my face) crying out to him for healing, forgiveness and love.  He has granted all this to me and I must say it's been amazing.  I know for myself that Satan has tried to bring me down, break my heart and break everyone else's heart in the process and my God will NOT allow it!!  He is our REDEEMER and friend and I'm so wonderfully thankful for Him and His love. 

*side note* I leave on Friday to go on a women's retreat - "unveiled" and I'm so excited and very nervous!! I was just reading up on in and we are not to wear make up and not to bring hair spray!! (they haven't met this Texas gal)!! - but I willingly go and will do what is asked of me so that I can go deeper in my walk with my King. . . so please be in prayer that my heart be opened and renewed.  Thank you so much!!

Day 1 in my Trust Journey . . . 
1 Samuel 3:9 "Go and lie down, and if he calls you, say "Speak Lord, for your servant is listening."  So Samuel went and lay down."

(excert from my devotional) "Today the Lord desires to speak to each of us.  In our confustion we ask, "Why is it so hard to discern his voice?"  Would it be easier if he sent a text message or posted it on some holy blog?  Interestingly, it is when we quiet ouerselves long enough to listen that we hear his vioce.  Like Samuel, rest in the assurance that God will speak to you.  His love compels him to speak.  In John 4:16, we read that "God is love".  Love wants conversation and interaction.  By faith, trust him, listen to him.  Be ready to respond, "Speak Lord, for your servant is listening."

Wow. . right!?!  After I read my daily devotional, I closed my eyes and waited. . . . and waited.  Then I thought, well I'll go ahead and start so I started praying outloud.  I praised Him for the love and grace that He has brought me.  I thanked him for being sufficient enough for me.  I told him that I longed for Him that I wanted to discern His voice . . . silence . . . then, in a voice so quiet I could hardly hear it.  I was straining to hear it.  The voice inside of me that only God can use. . . Let me calm your seas.  I am the Master Weaver and I know what I'm doing.  Let  me show you a love that's everlasting.  Let me lead you into waters that lap against you with warmth and love.  Let me guide you, in all your ways - lean on me.  Don't listen to the outside.  Don't listen to what everyone is saying, listen to me.  I see what they can not.  I love like they can not.  I heal, I redeem and love because I am God and without me, no one else can do these things.  (As I began typing what is in my soul, it's like . . it keeps coming.  a little louder. . . )

I love you and you are mine.  Of course I want to talk to you.  You seem so busy with what you think is important but I want you to slow down.  Look for me and I will reveal my face to you.  You can not imagine the beautiful works I have in store for you . . . . stop.  If you will let me love you like I can . . . . ohhhh you will not question me or my love if you will look for me and find me. 

Is this not awesome!?! God is talking and I hear him!! Do you hear him?

Speak Lord, for I am listening.  I know that what you say is important and necessary for me to hear.  Let me respond in a way that is pleasing to you.  Amen.Pin It